Series: Population Schedules for the 1850 Census, 1850 - 1850 Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007

Series: Population Schedules for the 1850 Census, 1850 - 1850 Record Group 29: Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007
10/8/2021 8:13:49
URL for full object
Citation for full object
US Census 1850 Winslow Homer Entry
Filename in shared drive folder
General description of the complete original artifact
This is an single page of an entry from the 1850 US Census, specifically for Cambridge Massachusetts. This page was from September 23rd, 1850. This census document includes names of persons in families, age, sex, race (whether white, black, or mixed race), profession, value of real estate owned, place of birth, marriage status if married within the year, whether an individual had attended school within the year, whether an individual was over the age of 20 and could not read and write, and whether an individual has a number of disabilities.
Estimated number of records in data set
Estimated number of fields if this were a database
Estimated time to digitize all records in set (hours)
Time period when data was created
Organization creating data
United States Department of the Interior. 7th Decennial Census Office
Individual who created data (if known or guessable).
Saul C. Bigelow (not sure if this is deciphered correctly)
Shortcomings of this taxonomy for data set (if any)
It is just one page. Some words and names are especially difficult to read. Race was not added to the data set. This could mean that there were no black individuals in Cambridge or for some other reason, the census taker left it out.
Notes about the image you chose
This photo shows the entry field for accomplished painter Winslow Homer, who was 14 at the time this census was taken and was attending school.